The Medill Spiegel Research Center has published a great amount of in-depth academic research related to customer engagement.
Full papers available upon request.
Concepts and Theory
Schultz, D. and Malthouse, E.C. (2017), Interactivity, Marketing Communication and Emerging Markets: A Way Forward, Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, 38(1), 17-30.
Calder, B., Malthouse, E. C., & Maslowska, E. (2016). Brand Marketing, Big Data and Social Innovation as Future Research Directions for Engagement, Journal of Marketing Management. 32(5-6). 579-585
Maslowska, E., Malthouse, E. C., and Collinger, T. (2016), The Customer Engagement Ecosystem, Journal of Marketing Management, 32(5-6), 469-501.
Malthouse, E. C., Haenlein, M., Skiera, B., Wege, E., & Zhang, M. (2013). Managing customer relationships in the social media era: Introducing the social CRM house. Journal of interactive marketing, 27(4), 270-280.
Hennig-Thurau, T., Malthouse, E. C., Friege, C., Gensler, S., Lobschat, L., Rangaswamy, A., & Skiera, B. (2010). The impact of new media on customer relationships. Journal of service research, 13(3), 311-330.
Business to Business
Gopalakrishna, S., Malthouse, E. C., & Lawrence, J. M. (2019). Managing customer engagement at trade shows. Industrial Marketing Management, 81, 99-114.
Malthouse, E. C., Wang, W. L., Calder, B. J., & Collinger, T. (2019). Process control for monitoring customer engagement. Journal of Marketing Analytics, 7(2), 54-63.
Wang, W.L, Malthouse, E.C., Calder, B., and Uzunoglu, E. (2018) B2B Content Marketing for Professional Services: In-Person Versus Digital Contacts, Industrial Marketing Management
Social Media
Malthouse, E. C., Calder, B. J., Kim, S. J., and Vandenbosch, M. (2016), Evidence that User-Generated Content that Produces Engagement Increases Purchase Behaviours, Journal of Marketing Management, 32(5-6), 427-444.
Malthouse, E.C., Calder, B., and Vandenbosch, M. (2016), Creating Brand Engagement on Digital, Social and Mobile Media. Customer Engagement: Contemporary Issues and Challenges. Edited by Brodie, Hollebeek and Conduit. Roudledge, pp 79-95.
Media Engagement and Experience
Malthouse, E.C. and Calder, B. (2017), From Advertising to Engagement, Handbook of Communication Engagement. Edited by Kim Johnson and Maureen Taylor Wiley.
Calder, B., Isaac, M.S., and Malthouse, E.C. (2016), Capturing Consumer Experiences: A Context Specific Approach to Measuring Engagement, Journal of Advertising Research, 56 (1). Best paper 2016
Calder, B. J., Malthouse, E. C., & Schaedel, U. (2009). An experimental study of the relationship between online engagement and advertising effectiveness. Journal of interactive marketing, 23(4), 321-331.
Calder, B. J., & Malthouse, E. C. (2008). Media engagement and advertising effectiveness. Kellogg on advertising and media, 1, 36.
Malthouse, E. C., Calder, B. J., & Tamhane, A. (2007). The effects of media context experiences on advertising effectiveness. Journal of Advertising, 36(3), 7-18.
Customer Reviews
Maslowska, E., Segijn, C. M., Vakeel, K. A., & Viswanathan, V. (2020). How consumers attend to online reviews: an eye-tracking and network analysis approach. International Journal of Advertising, 39(2), 282-306.
Kim, S., Maslowska, E., & Tamaddoni, A. (2019). The paradox of (dis)trust in sponsorship disclosure: The characteristics and effects of sponsored online consumer reviews. Decision Support Systems, 116, 114-124.
Maslowska, E., Kim, S. J., Malthouse, E. C., & Viswanathan, V. (2019). Online reviews as customers’ dialogues with and about brands. In Handbook of research on customer engagement. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Kim, S., Maslowska, E., & Malthouse, E. (2018). Understanding the effects of different review features on purchase probability. International Journal of Advertising, 37(1), 29-53.
Askalidis, Y., S.J. Kim and E.C. Malthouse (2017), Understanding and Overcoming Biases in Customer Reviews, Decision Support Systems. 97 (May 2017), 23-30
Maslowska, E., Malthouse, E.C., and Bernritter, S. (2017), Too Good to be True: The Role of Online Reviews’ Features in Probability to Buy, International Journal of Advertising, 36(1) 142-163.
Maslowska, E., Malthouse, E. C., & Viswanathan, V. (2017). Do customer reviews drive purchase decisions? The moderating roles of review exposure and price. Decision Support Systems, 98, 1-9.
Askalidis, G.,and Malthouse, E. C. (2016). The Value of Online Customer Reviews, RecSys 2016 – Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 155-158. Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.
Lopes, A. I., E. C. Malthouse, N. Dens, and P. DePelsmacker (2021a). Is webcare good for business? A machine learning approach to the effect of managerial response strategies to online reviews on hotel bookings. Under review, Tourism Management.
Lopes, A. I., N. Dens, P. DePelsmacker, and E. C. Malthouse (2021). Managerial response strategies to eWOM: a framework and research agenda for webcare. Under review, Tourism Management.
Kim, S.J., Wang, R. J.H., Maslowska, E., & Malthouse, E.C. (2016), “Understanding a Fury in Your Words”: The Effects of Posting and Viewing Electronic Negative Word-of-Mouth on Purchase Behaviors, Computers in Human Behavior, 54, 511-521.
Network Effects and Dynamics
Vakeel, K. A., Fudurić, M., & Malthouse, E. C. (2021). Extending variety seeking to multi-sided platforms: Impact of new retailer listing. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 59, 102382.
Xu Yu, Hazée, S , Li, D, and Malthouse, E.C. (2021), An evolutionary perspective on the dynamics of service platform ecosystems for the sharing economy, Journal of Business Research.
Vakeel, K. A., Malthouse, E. C., & Yang, A. (2020). Impact of network effects on service provider performance in digital business platforms. Journal of Service Management.
Recommender Systems for MSPs
Sinan Seymen, Himan Abdollahpouri, and Edward C. Malthouse. 2021. A unified optimization toolbox for solving popularity bias, fairness, and diversity in recommender systems. 1, 1 (September 2021), 10 pages.
Burke, R., Abdollahpouri, H., Malthouse, E. C., Thai, K. P., & Zhang, Y. (2019, January). RMSE: Workshop on Recommendation in Multi-stakeholder Environments. In RMSE@ RecSys.
Malthouse, E. C., Vakeel, K. A., Hessary, Y. K., Burke, R., & Fuduric, M. (2019, January). A Multistakeholder Recommender Systems Algorithm for Allocating Sponsored Recommendations. In RMSE@ RecSys.
Malthouse, E. C., Hessary, Y. K., Vakeel, K. A., Burke, R., & Fudurić, M. (2019). An Algorithm for Allocating Sponsored Recommendations and Content: Unifying Programmatic Advertising and Recommender Systems. Journal of Advertising, 48(4), 366-379.
Sürer, Ö., Burke, R., & Malthouse, E. C. (2018, September). Multistakeholder recommendation with provider constraints. In Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (pp. 54-62).
TV and Video
Fudurić, M., Malthouse, E. C., & Lee, M. H. (2020). Understanding the drivers of cable TV cord shaving with big data. Journal of Media Business Studies, 17(2), 172-189.
Ksiazek, T. B., Kim, S. J., & Malthouse, E. C. (2019). Television News Repertoires, Exposure Diversity, and Voting Behavior in the 2016 US Election. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 96(4), 1120-1144.
Fudurić, M., Malthouse, E. C., & Viswanathan, V. (2018). Keep it, shave it, cut it: A closer look into consumers’ video viewing behavior. Business Horizons, 61(1), 85-93.
Jayson, R., Block, M. P., & Chen, Y. (2018). How synergy effects of paid and digital owned media influence brand sales: considerations for marketers when balancing media spend. Journal of Advertising Research, 58(1), 77-89.
News Engagement and Experience
Mersey, R. D., Malthouse, E. C., & Calder, B. J. (2012). Focusing on the reader: Engagement trumps satisfaction. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 89(4), 695-709.
Malthouse, E. C., & Peck, A. (Eds.). (2011). Medill on media engagement. Newburyport, MA: Hampton Press.
Davis Mersey, R., Malthouse, E. C., & Calder, B. J. (2010). Engagement with online media. Journal of Media Business Studies, 7(2), 39-56.
Calder, B. J., & Malthouse, E. C. (2004). Qualitative media measures: Newspaper experiences. International Journal on Media Management, 6(1-2), 123-130.
Local News Initiative
Kim, S. J., Wang, X., and E. C. Malthouse (2021). Digital News Readership and Subscription in the United States during COVID-19: A Longitudinal Analysis of Clickstream and Subscription Data from a Local News Site. Digital Journalism.
Kim, S. J., Y. Zhou, and E. C. Malthouse (2021). In Search for an Audience-Supported Business Model for Local Newspapers: Findings from Clickstream and Subscriber Data, Digital Journalism.
Zhou, Y., B. J. Calder, E. C. Malthouse, and Y. K. Hessary (2021). Not All Clicks Are Equal: Detecting Engagement with Digital Content. Journal of Media Business Studies.
News Recommender Systems
Seymen, S., H. Abdollahpouri, and E. C. Malthouse (2021a). A Constrained Optimization Approach for Calibrated Recommendations. In: Proc. of the 15th ACM Conf. on Rec. Sys. ACM.
Abdollahpouri, H., E. C. Malthouse, J. Konstan, B. Mobashar, and J. Gilbert (2021). Toward the next generation of news recommender systems. In: The 1st International Workshop on News Recommendation and Intelligence, The Web Conference. ACM.
Wang, R. J. H., Krishnamurthi, L., & Malthouse, E. C. (2018). When reward convenience meets a mobile app: Increasing customer participation in a coalition loyalty program. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 3(3), 314-329.
Viswanathan, V., Hollebeek, L.D. Malthouse, E.C., Maslowska, E., Kim, S.J. and Xie, W. (2017), The Dynamics of Consumer Engagement with Mobile Technologies, Service Science. 9(1), 36-49.
Wang, R., Kim, S.J., and Malthouse, E.C. (2016), Branded Apps and Mobile Platforms as New Tools for Advertising, The New Advertising: Branding, Content and Consumer Relationships in the Data-driven Social Media Era. Edited by Ruth Brown, Valerie Jones and Bryan Ming Wang, Praeger, Santa Barbara, CA.
Kim, S.J., Wang, R. J.H., Maslowska, E., & Malthouse, E.C. (2015), The Effects of Adopting and Using a Brand’s Mobile Application on Customers’ Subsequent Purchase Behavior, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 31, 28-41.
Wang, R, Malthouse, E.C., Krishnamurthi, L. (2015), On the Go: How Mobile Shopping Affects Customer Purchase Behavior, Journal of Retailing, 91(2), 217-234.
Computational Advertising
Araujo, T., Copulsky, J. R., Hayes, J. L., Kim, S. J., & Srivastava, J. (2020). From Purchasing Exposure to Fostering Engagement: Brand–Consumer Experiences in the Emerging Computational Advertising Landscape. Journal of Advertising, 49(4), 428-445.
Huh, J., & Malthouse, E. C. (2020). Advancing Computational Advertising: Conceptualization of the Field and Future Directions. Journal of Advertising, 49(4), 367-376.
van Noort, G., Himelboim, I., Martin, J., & Collinger, T. (2020). Introducing a model of automated brand-generated content in an era of computational advertising. Journal of Advertising, 49(4), 411-427.
Yun, J. T., Segijn, C. M., Pearson, S., Malthouse, E. C., Konstan, J. A., & Shankar, V. (2020). Challenges and future directions of computational advertising measurement systems. Journal of Advertising, 49(4), 446-458.
Malthouse, E.C., Maslowska, E. & Franks, J.U. (2018): Understanding Programmatic TV Advertising, International Journal of Advertising
New Product Development
Hoornaert, S., Ballings, M., Malthouse, E. C., & Van den Poel, D. (2017). Identifying new product ideas: waiting for the wisdom of the crowd or screening ideas in real time. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 34(5), 580-597.
Technology Adoption
Kane, G., Phillips, A., Copulsky, J., and Andrus, G., (2019) The technology fallacy: people are the real key to digital transformation, MIT Press
Sotolongo, N., Copulsky, J. (2018). “Conversational marketing: Creating compelling customer connections,” Applied Marketing Analytics, 4(1), 6-21.
Customer Data
Line, N., T. Dogru, D. El-Manstrly, A. Buoye, J. Kandampully, and E. Malthouse (2020). “Control, use and ownership of big data: A reciprocal view of customer big data value in the hospitality industry,” Tourism Management.
Malthouse, E. C., Buoye, A., Line, N., El-Manstrly, D., Dogru, T., & Kandampully, J. (2019). “Beyond reciprocal: the role of platforms in diffusing data value across multiple stakeholders,” Journal of Service Management.
Malthouse, E.C. and Li, H. (2017), “Opportunities and Pitfalls for Using Big Data in Advertising Research,” Journal of Advertising
Hofacker, C.F., Malthouse, E.C., and Sultan, F. (2016). Big Data and Consumer Behavior: Imminent Opportunities, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 33(2), 89-97.
Liu-Thompkins, Y. and Malthouse, E.C. (2016), A Primer on Using Behavioral Data for Testing Theories in Advertising Research, Journal of Advertising. (46)1, 213-225.
Malthouse. E.C., (2016), “Customer Relationship Management Strategy: More Important Now Than Ever Before. The New Advertising: Branding, Content and Consumer Relationships in the Data-driven Social Media Era,” edited by Ruth Brown, Valerie Jones and Bryan Ming Wang, Praeger, Santa Barbara, CA.